Mapping of FHIR Medication Request resource to the OMOP DRUG_EXPOSURE Table

This document details the design and decisions for implementing mapping of FHIR Medication Request resource to the OMOP DRUG_EXPOSURE Table.

The following references were used to inform this implementation.

References for Patient

General Mapping Resources This is the fhir-to-omop documentation for general FHIR and OMOP information.
FHIR Medication Request (STU3) FHIR Documentation for the Medication Request resource. The following version have been considered.
DRUG_EXPOSURE This is the OMOP documentation for the DRUG_EXPOSURE table.

Mapping Details

Mapping of FHIR Medication Request resources to OMOP DRUG_EXPOSURE records is relatively straight forward. Mapping is done in the OmopDrugExposureBuilder class. The OmopPersonBuilder constructs DRUG_EXPOSURE Data Value Objects (DVOs) using the MedicationRequestParser class to parse FHIR Patient resources

Testing Results

Testing Results 2022-04-08

All test are passing except for those shown below. We have confirmed the failing results are consistent with the test data set we are currently using.

Passing Tests