Polites1 is a Java based tool that enables the automation of
complete OHDSI implementations for Broadsea2 based OHDSI
deployments. Broadsea provides a turn-key solution with unparalleled
ease of use and a standardized stable production deployment that
includes an instance of a Common Data Model replete with test data in
PostgreSql. “Broadsea 3.0 provides a flexible approach to deploying
OHDSI tools that are typically challenging to set up, and establishes a
framework for supporting new OHDSI tools to come. Any site, regardless
of size, can deploy a wide range of OHDSI tools on a laptop or a
production server”3 using Broadsea. However, after initial
deployment there are customizations that most implementations will want
to make to create a production, test, or development instance of an
OHDSI implementation. This includes the creation of an independent
instance of the CDM that could be in the existing Broadsea instance of
PostgreSql or in any of the other data management systems supported by
OHDSI (including Oracle, Microsoft Sql Server, PostgreSql, Databricks,
etc.). Creation of this environment entails numerous steps that need to
integrated and executed flawlessly. This process can be time consuming
and fraught with errors and includes the creation of multiple databases
and/or schemas and other database objects, creation of multiple users
with detailed specific privileges, the creation of meta data such as the
CDM source record and webapi records, the importing of vocabulary data,
the creation of sequences for primary keys for ETL processes, the
creation of indexes and constraints, the importing of data, and the
running of other processes such as Achilles. Polites provides a way to
execute all of these processes and an interface that allows the
processes to be selected individually or run in groups.
Installing and running Polites consists of the following steps. These steps can be done manually or can be done using the Yes installer described in the Automated Installation of Prerequisiets section below.
All of the prerequisites for Broadsea and Polites can be installed using the YesPolitesInstaller. Download the YesPolitesInstaller.exe file and run it. Downloading and running this file does take a few minutes. The installer creates a directory called _YES_POLITES that contains resources needed for Broadsea and other OHDSI tools and also installs and configures other required resources. Overall, the installer does the following:
Navigate to C:\_YES_POLITES\tools\docker and run the Docker Desktop
Installer.exe file. Accept all of the default values.
Before running Broadsea you will need to start Docker Desktop (there should be a shortcut on your desktop from the initial installation). To run Broadsea, open a cmd prompt, navigate to C:\_YES_POLITES\workspace\Broadsea and then execute the start.bat script.
Polites is installed by Downloading the zip file from the latest
release, Unziping the files, and then running the polites.bat file
(which runs “java -jar polites.jar” with some additional performance
parameters). Releases of Polites can be found at
After downloading and extracting the zip file you should see the
following files.
auth folder contains two files: app.properties and
sqlserver-demo-app.properties. The sqlserver-demo-app.properties file
contains and example configuration for Microsoft SqlServer that should
work out of the box. The app.properties file contains a single line that
points to the actual configuration file. This alows the configuration
file and any sensitive information this file might contain such as
passwords to exist anywhere that is accessible by the file system.
All configuration for the Polites application is in a single configuration file. This configureation file is pointed to by the ./auth/app.properties file as shown below. Note the path to the configuration file can be on the class path or can be an absolute reference (e.g. C:\path\to\myfile.properties). The downloaded zip file contains an exmple configuration for a Microsoft SqlServer implementation that should work out of the box. Modify this file to fit your specific implementation.
app.properties contents:
sqlserver-demo-app.properties contents:
# --- # # Example properties file for Polites using Microsoft Sql Server. # # --- # --- # GLOBAL PARAMETERS # --- DbmsName=sql server CdmVersion=5.4 ExportDir=C:\\temp\\polites\\export\\sql-server\\synthe_omop # --- # DATABASE CONNECTION INFORMATION FOR THE CDM INSTANCE # The bootstrapUrl parameter is used for system level actions like creating new databases # The url parameter is used to access the CDM instance and other local databases (e.g. achilles data) # --- BootstrapUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=master;integratedSecurity=true;encrypt=false Url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;encrypt=false;TrustServerCertificate=True Uid=polites_omop Pwd=Sneaker01 ServerName=localhost Port=1433 FullySpecifiedCdmSchemaName=polites_omop.dbo # --- # DATABASE DRIVER # --- DatabaseDriverName=sqlServer_12_6 DatabaseDrvierPath=C:\\temp\\polites\\drivers\\sqlserver # --- # POSTGRES CONNECTION # Connection parameters to connect to the PostgreSql instance hosting the webapi schema. # --- # bootstrap connection for atlas postgres PostgresBootstrapUrl=jdbc:postgresql:// PostgresBootstrapUid=postgres PostgresBootstrapPwd=mypass PostgresServer= PostgresPort=5432 PostgresWebApiDatabaseName=postgres PostgresWebApiSchemaName=webapi PostgresPathToDriver=C:\\temp\\polites\\drivers\\postgres\\42.3.3 # --- # VALUES USED TO CREATE CDM_SOURCE RECORD # These values are used by the Data Quality Dashboard. Documented here: # https://nachc-cad.github.io/fhir-to-omop/pages/navbar/ohdsi-tools/dqd/DataQualityDashboard.html # https://ohdsi.github.io/DataQualityDashboard/ # --- CdmSourceName=NACHC Test CdmSourceAbbreviation=NACHC-TEST CdmHolder=johngresh@curlewconsulting.com SourceDescription=Test database SourceDocumentationReference=https://github.com/NACHC-CAD/fhir-to-omop CdmEtlReference=N/A SourceReleaseDate=2021-12-01 CdmReleaseDate=2021-12-01 VocabularyVersion=v5.0 04-FEB-22 CdmVersionConceptId=756265 # --- # TERMINOLOGY # --- TerminologyRootDir=C:\\temp\\polites\\default-vocabulary\\ TerminologyDownloadIfNotFound=true TerminologyDownloadUrl=https://www.dropbox.com/s/2f1xg20yjbiup27/2023-01-01-vocabulary_download_v5_%7Bd496576d-0027-4564-b598-491e7f1ac26f%7D_1672620434076.zip?st=lnn6zg75&dl=1 # --- # WEBAPI # --- # parameters for webapi source and source_daimon records AtlasDataSourceName=Eunomia Loaded From Polites AtlasDataSourceKey=polites_omop AchillesResultsDatabase=polites_omop_ach_res AchillesResultsSchema=dbo AchillesTempDatabase=polites_omop_ach_temp AchillesTempSchema=dbo AchillesVocabDatabase=polites_omop AchillesVocabSchema=dbo AtlasCdmUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://host.docker.internal:1433;databaseName=polites_omop;encrypt=false;TrustServerCertificate=True;user=polites_omop;password=Sneaker01 # --- # CDM CSV # --- CdmCsvZipFileLocation=C:\\temp\\polites\\cdm-csv\\ CdmCsvZipFileName=demodb.zip CdmCsvDownloadUrl=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/87p8c1oyvzmvsfei15z1m/demodb.zip?rlkey=x2libh0dmk06bnc4m6fu81iho&dl=1 CdmCsvDownloadIfNotFound=true # --- # DQD: Instance where Data Quality Dashboard data will be stored # --- DqdResultsSchemaName=polites_omop_dqd # --- # SYNTHEA CSV # --- # booleans to use defaults if resources are not found SyntheaCsvDownloadTestFilesIfNotFound=false SyntheaCsvDownloadJdbcDriverIfNotFound=true # locations for test files SyntheaCsvTestFilesUrl=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zkh0k485yq9joqhxo5cws/csv.zip?rlkey=8afasqdy7h2hnudir1ieid2pw&dl=1 SyntheaCsvFilesDir=C:\\temp\\polites\\synthea-csv\\csv SyntheaCsvJdbcLocation=C:\\temp\\polites\\drivers\\sqlserver SyntheaCsvJdbcDriverName=mssql-jdbc-12.6.2.jre11.jar SyntheaCsvJdbcDownloadUrl=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qyd8o6taim9q7ui52ftae/mssql-jdbc-12.6.2.jre11.jar?rlkey=kpo4w8n6uf21bj8ojfbc4k71k&st=2atiqqv7&dl=1 # connection parameters SyntehsCsvUid=polites_omop SyntheaCsvPwd=Sneaker01 JdbcExtraSettings=encrypt=false;trustServerCertificate=true;databaseName=synthea_native_csv # database schema for raw data file upload SyntheaCsvNativeSchema=synthea_native_csv.dbo SyntheaCsvNativeDatabase=synthea_native_csv # synthea version SyntheaVersion=3.2.0
Polites currently supports the functionality described below.
Burn Everything to the Ground is the reset option. This option will remove everything created by Polites including all databases and users.
This option creates the database that will be used for the Common Data Model (CDM).
This creates the database users that will be used to access the CDM and other databases such as the databases created by Achilles and other processes. The users created by this option are granted all of the privileges required.
This creates the tables in the CDM database using the ddl scripts from the OHDSI CDM project in Github.
This creates the record required in the cdm_source table of the CDM.
The “Create Dummy Location and Care Site Records” option truncates the location and care_site tables and then adds a single record in each table representing an unknown value (this is used in place of null for referential integrity).
The “Load Terminology (From Athena Files)” option loads a directory of files that was downloaded and unzipped from Athena.
The “Import Terminology (From an Exported Zip File)” option imports terminology tables from a zip file created using the “Export Terminology” option described directly below. This option will also load only the terminology tables from a complete export that was created using the “Export All CDM Tables” option of this application described below.
This option creates a zip file that contains the terminology table as csv files. This export can be imported using the ” (From an Exported Zip File)” option of this tool described directly above.
The “Truncate (Data Tables Only)” option truncates all of the data tables (but not the terminology tables) so a new data set can be imported into the database.
The “Import (Data Tables Only)” option imports data tables from a zip file created using the “Export (Data Tables Only)” option of this tool. This option will also import only the data tables from a zip file created using the “Export All CDM Tables” option of this application.
The “Export (Data Tables Only)” option creates a zip file that contains CSV files that represent all of the data tables (and not the terminology tables). This zip file can be used by the “Import (Data Tables Only)” option of this tool described directly above.
The “Truncate All CDM Tables” option truncates all of the CDM tables (including all data and terminology tables).
The “Import All CDM Tables” option imports data tables from a zip file created using the “Export All CDM Tables” option of this tool. This option will also import all tables in other zip files created by this application (e.g. Export Data Tables only and Export Terminology Tables Only).
The “Export All CDM Tables” option creates a zip file that contains CSV files that represent all of the tables in the CDM including both data and terminology tables. This zip file can be used by the “Import All CDM Tables” option of this tool described directly above.
The “Load Synthea CSV Files” option loads files created by Synthea using the OHDSI ETL-Synthea R scripts. The Synthea files are loaded into a separate schema and then an ETL process is run to populate the OHDSI/OMOP CDM database.
The “Create Sequences for Primary Keys” option generates a series of sequences that can be used to manage primary keys when records are created. This option is primarily used in association with the creation of new records using FHIR resources.
This option creates the indexes for the CDM using the ddl scripts from the CDM project. This script is generally run after data are loaded and before Achilles is run.
This option creates the constraints for the CDM using the ddl scripts from the CDM project. This script is generally run after data are loaded and before Achilles is run.
This option disables all constraints for the CDM. This does not included constraints that are integral to the table such as not null stipulations. This option is often run prior to truncating and replacing the data and or terminology tables.
This option turns the constraints for the CDM back on if they have been turned off.
This option deletes the source and source_daimon records in the webapi schema that is generally maintained in PostgreSql.
This option will add the webapi source and source_daimon records defined in the properties file used by this application. These records are required prior to running Achilles or Atlas.
This option creates the Achilles database and configures all security options to allow existing database users used by this application and Achilles/Atlas, etc. access.
With Broadsea running, you should now be able to launch Atlas by opening a browser and navigating to