NACHC-CAD SMART on FHIR Example Applications and Documentation

Welcome to the NACHC smart-on-fhir-examples documentation. This is currently a work in progress. Please let us know if you have any questions, issues, or other comments and feedback you would like to share with us. The best way to get in touch with us is to open a github issue for this project. or email us at

Quicklinks: If you're here, you're probably looking for one of the following

SMART on FHIR Examples These are the SMART on FHIR Examples that can also be found under the Resources menu at the top of this page.
Sandbox: SMART App Launcher
This is the SMART on FHIR application launcher provided by SmartHealthIt that can be used to test a SMART on FHIR application.
Sandbox: Cerner Code Console
This is the SMART on FHIR application launcher provided by Cerner. You will need to create a (free) account/loging to utilize this resource.
HIV-CDS Github Repository
This is the documentation page for the hiv-cds project from cqframework. This implementation guide provides technical artifacts to aid in the implementation of appropriate HIV screening. The artifacts include data element definitions, data collection questionnaires, and logic for determining HIV risk and appropriate screening and follow-up. The Implementation Guide that is built from this project can be found at The Plan Definition that is built from this project can be found at
The HIV-CDS 2022 Connectathon
Resources for the NACHC 2022 HIV-CDS Connectathon can be found here.