Polites and Broadsea in a Nutshell
Polites is a Java based tool that enables the automation of complete
OHDSI implementations for Broadsea based OHDSI deployments.
Broadsea is an amazing tool that enables the reliable deployment of a
complete OHDSI implementation repleate with a demo/test Common Data
Model (CDM) instance.
However, creating a production instance of a CDM and getting it
connected to Broadsea is a lengthy meticulous process.
Polites provides a way to automate this process and includes tools that
can be used for the maintenance of existing production deployments.
Creating an Instance of Broadsea
Creating an instance of Broadsea is very easy, very reliable, and
requires very few dependencies.
To install Broadsea you will need an instance of Java (a correct
version), an instance of Git (a correct version), and an instance of
Docker (a correct version)
After the dependencies are installed, installing Docker is as simple as
using Git to clone Broadsea from Github and checking out the version you
want. After that Broadsea can be started by simply starting Docker from
the Broadsea directory using docker-compose –profile default up -d.
The entire process is shown below.
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git clone https://github.com/OHDSI/Broadsea
cd Broadsea
git checkout v3.0.0
cd Broadsea
docker-compose --profile default up -d
And just like that, we have an OHDSI stack up and running. We can now go
and take a look at the demo database provided by Broadsea at
What Broadsea Does
Broadsea provides a turn-key solution with unparalleled ease of use and
a standardized stable production deployment that includes an instance of
a Common Data Model replete with test data in PostgreSql.
What’s Left to do Outside of Broadsea
For virtually every user of Broadsea, there will come a time when there
is a need to point to an instance of the CDM other than the demo
instance that is included in Broadsea.
This could be a development or test instance that uses a different data
set. This could be an instance that exists in a different DBMS such as
SQL Server, PostgreSql, Databricks, Redshift, etc., or this could be the
CDM for your production data.
Setting up this other CDM instance can be a lengthy meticulous process
that for the most part occurs outside of Broadsea.
This process has been automated by Polites.
An Example
As an example, lets look at the steps required to manually set up a CDM
instance in SQL Server and get Broadsea to point to it.
Install Basic Software
Install Java (the correct version)
Install a Git client (a correct version)
Install Docker (a correct version)
Before we clone and check out Broadsea, remember that we need to use
git config –global core.autocrlf false
Git clone Broadsea
Git checkout the version of Broadsea we want to use
Clear Docker of any previous version of Broadsea and possibly other
application that may exist if this is not a new install of Docker
Add postgresql.conf:
shared_buffers = 32GB
work_mem = 32GB
effective_cache_size = 32GB
Modifications to docker-compose.yml
mem_limit: 32g
shm_size: 32g
Mapping to resources file: - C:/temp:/temp
Mapping to postgresql.conf: -
Set up for SQL Server
Find and Install Microsoft SQL Server (a correct version)
Download and install the JDBC Driver (the correct version)
Download, install, and configure the DLL for the JDBC driver (the
correct version)
Enable TCP/IP
Enable Mixed Mode Authentication
Restart SQL Server
Databases, Users, Permissions, etc.
Create a SQL Server database for the CDM
Create a login for uid/pwd authentication
Grant privileges for login:
exec sp_addrolemember N’db_accessadmin’, N’
exec sp_addrolemember N’db_backupoperator’, N’
exec sp_addrolemember N’db_datareader’, N’
exec sp_addrolemember N’db_datawriter’, N’
exec sp_addrolemember N’db_ddladmin’, N’
exec sp_addrolemember N’db_owner’, N’
exec sp_addrolemember N’db_securityadmin’, N’
Create the tables for the CDM database using the DDL files from the CDM
Create a record in CDM_SOURCE
Create or find a suitable vocabulary download from Athena
Load the Athena files into the CDM Vocabulary tables
Import your data into the CDM data tables (PERSON, MEASUREMENT,
Create the indexes on the CDM using the DDL from the CDM
Create the constraints on the CDM using the DDL from the CDM
Create the Achilles results database
Create the Achilles temp database
Grant appropriate privileges to appropriate users on the Achilles
results and temp databases
Automation with Polites
All of the above can be achieved using Polites in a few easy steps. Not
only is the Polites process much easier it is much more consistent,
repeatable, and reliable.
Download and run the
Run the SQL Server and SSM installerS provided by the
YesPolitesInstaller found in c:\_YES_POLITES\databases\sqlserver
Run the Docker installer provided by the YesPolitesInstaller found in
C:\_YES_POLITES\tools\docker and other tools as needed (e.g. R)
Install and configure Broadsea by running
Start Docker by running C:\_YES_POLITES\workspace\Broadsea\start.bat
Download and run the
Latest Release
of Polites
Restart Docker by running the stop.bat and start.bat files in
Notes on Docker scripts
Polites includes a number of scripts in the
C:\_YES_POLITES\workspace\Broadsea directory to make common tasks for
Docker easer. These scripts include the following:
start.bat: This script will start Docker using the appropriate
settings for Broadsea.
stop.bat: This script will stop Docker using the appropriate
settings for Broadsea.
clean-docker.sh: This script will remove all images, containers,
and volumes from Docker.
reset.bat: This script will keep the Postgres database used by
Broadsea and remove all other images, containers, and volumes from
show-docker.bat: This script will show all of the images,
containers, and volumes currently in Docker.
export-demo_db.bat: This script can be used to export the
demo_cdm as csv files.
Notes on Convenience scripts
Polites also includes a number of convience scripts in
C:\_YES_POLITES\tools\bat for common tasks including the following.
git-init.bat: This script sets the git user.email (parameter 1)
and user.name (parameter 2)
commit: This script will commit all of your changes directly up
to Github. The first parameter is used as the message.
jv.bat: This script allows you to change the current version of
Java. Valid parameters are 8 and 11.
git-details, where-am-i, where-am-i-really: These are all
variation on getting the details of where the current project is in
Github (e.g. where it was cloned from, the current branch, the tag, the
SHA, etc.
Notes on Other Polites Tools
Polites provides a number of other tools for common tasks including the
Burn Everything to the Ground: This Option deletes all of the
items created by Polites
Create Dummy Location and Care Site Records: This options creates
a “not known” record in location and care_site. This option is for data
sets that do not have values for these tables. This option is required
as these are required foreign keys.
Import and Export Options: The import and export options allow a
CDM to be exported by one instance and imported into an other. This can
be done for the entire CDM, just the data tables, or just the vocabulary
Create Sequences for Primary Keys: This option creates sequences
that can be used as primary keys when importing data from other sources
such as FHIR.
Disable/Enable constraints: This option allows for constraints to
be disabled and then re-enabled for activities such as bulk uploads.
Notes on Resources
Setting up an OHDSI stack requires multiple resources such as JDBC
database drivers, vocabulary files, mapping files, export files, etc.
Polites stores these files online and they are downloaded as part of the
Polites build process. This eliminates the need to hunt for, find,
download, and install these files (often finding the wrong version and
needing to start over again).
All of the resources downloaded by Polites can be found in
Polites provides an easy way to create a CDM and connect it to the OHDSI
stack implemented by Broadsea
This process is not only easier, but is also more reliable, consistent,
and repeatable
This process ensures that the compatable versions of components are used
This process ensures stability by using code freezes and stable
releases: Components are only versioned as part of planed development
cycles, code freezes, and releases
Polites also provides tools for common tasks such as importing and
exporting data as csv
Polites supports multiple DBMS implementations such as SQL Server,
PostgreSql, Databricks, etc.
The ability to import and export data in a common csv format alows
Polites to be used to migrate CDM instances from one DBMS to another
All configuration for Polites is in a small single properties file. This
has several advantages including the ability to see the scope of all
variables that are part of the build and to make all configureation
changes in a single place. This also makes in incredibly easy to clone a
system from one site to another. This ability is especailly useful for
testing. Testing envrionments can be created and reproduced simply by
sharing configuration files
Polites solves the problems that arise from needing to correctly
identify, locate, and download resources such as JDBC drivers,
vocabulary files, and other resources: Resources are posted to
accessable URLs and downloaded automatically as part of the Polites
build. This capability is configurable. For example, a project could
define their own complete Athena vocabulary and use Polites to
distribute it to multiple sites.
Polites: What’s in a Name
Polites was Odysseus’ best friend on the Odyssey. He was one of the
first to enter Circe’s palace and he was the one to convince Odysseus to
leave the island and go back out to the broad sea. Here’s George
Romney’s painting from 1782 of Circe waving good by to Odysseus,
Polites, and you as you sail out in to the Broadsea.