
Getting started with OHDSI using Polites invoves two steps.

  • Downloading and installing dependent software and tools
  • Running Polites


To download and install dependent software download and run the YesPolitesInstaller-1.1.002.exe. This will install the C:\_YES_POLITES folder. The installer gives you the option to install at a different location. If you istall at a different location, the installer will create _YES_POLITES as a short cut to that location. For example, I generally install things to my D: drive as I have little space left on my C: drive.


Before running any of the installers shown below, remove any existing versions of the software that may exist.

After running YesPolitesInstaller.exe

  • RStudio (Optional): Run the installers in the C:\_YES_POLITES\tools\r folder in the order shown below. Note that R has already been installed at C:\_YES_POLITES\tools\r\R and this folder has been added to your path environment variable. Installing RStudio is optional.
    • RStudio-2024.04.2-764.exe
    • rtools42-5355-5357.exe
  • Docker: Run C:\_YES_POLITES\docker\Docker Desktop Installer.exe/li>
  • Database: Run any installers specific to the DBMS system you are using. These installers are found in C:\_YES_POLITES\databases. For example, if you are using Microsoft SQL Server, run the installers shown below (Note that the JDBC driver and .dll files required for SQL Server have already been installed in the sqlserver\sqljdbc_12.6.2.0_enu folder and this folder has been added to your path environment variable). After running the above installers, open a cmd window as Administrator and run the init-sql-server.bat script. Running this script will update Sql Server configurations required for Broadsea such as mixed authentication mode and TCP/IP access. This script must be run as Administrator or it will not work.
    • SQL2019-SSEI-Eval.exe
    • SSMS-Setup-ENU-20.2.exe
    • init-sql-server.bat


Download the latest version of Polites from the Polites Releases web site. Unzip the provided zip file. Make any required changes to ./auth/ (Polites will run out-of-the-box if you do not change the properties file). Open a cmd window and run ./polites.bat.