
After completing the installation of the prerequisites described on the home page install Microsoft Sql Server according to the following.

  • Install Microsoft Sql Server
    The installers for the correct version of Microsoft Sql Server is included in the C:\_YES_POLITES\databases\sqlserver directory. Run the following two installers accepting all defaults.
    • SQL2019-SSEI-Eval.exe
    • SSMS-Setup-ENU-20.2.exe
  • After running the above installers, open a cmd window as Administrator and run the init-sql-server.bat script. Running this script will update Sql Server configurations required for Broadsea such as mixed authentication mode and TCP/IP access.

    This script must be run as Administrator or it will not work.

You are now ready to install and run Polites. Click here to return the the Polites Installation instructions on the home page for Polites.